Only 6 years ago, while living in Perth Australia, I called a guy because I had come across his book. And was captured by the immense depth and simplicity of his model, mBraining. I called him to ask if he wanted to fly over to Perth to deliver a training. ‘Yep, no worries, Grant answered, as long as you get 15 participants!’ And so it happened.  

During that first training, on the third day, Grant shared something that changed my life forever. It set me off crying for joy for most of that afternoon. Curious what he said: “I want to change the brain structure of humanity into compassionate and wise human becomings, that’s my ultimate goal”. A goal worthy and do-able, though challenging, with this immense profound new model of mBraining. 

And so, 3 months later, I travelled to Melbourne to become one of the first mBIT Trainers in the world, and it was a blast. I got to know Grant more and more and his passion, compassion, calm abiding, his immense sense of humour and his in-depth knowledge of human nature sparkled all my minds. I not only got infected, I also knew this was something truly and deeply worth sharing. 

This genius was unstoppable in his mission. Over the period of 5 years that I got to know him, he created many new and groundbreaking programs in living a life from compassion, courage and creativity. He had an energy level that was boundless, his humour infectious and he just couldn’t stop mBraining. His creative mind connected all the dots. I remember when I first co-trained with Grant we went out for dinner after the training and I asked how his creative mind worked, so I could model it. I asked the question at 10PM and when it was 2AM, I said to him: “maybe it’s time to go to bed” and he answered:”oh no, I’ve got so many more things I would love to share with you.”? That was Grant, always sharing! 

But most of all I honour him, as for me, he was a living example of walking the talk, of human-nessing, of caring. The way Grant cared for Fiona, people, mBraining, the community.

I honour him for the way he stood tall, his creativity, his courage and his ‘bold hairy audacious goals’.

I will forever pass on what you taught me. Loving Grant

I will honor the spark that’s within me, that’s you as well!


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